South Africa’s vaccination schedule is in line with the World Health Organization’s recommendations for  children.  The vaccine schedule shown here is modified (see items with the annotation “private”) to show the additional recommended vaccinations we offer.

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) encourages vaccination against measles, polio, pertussis (whooping cough), diphtheria, tetanus and tuberculosis.  The South African Department of Health’s immunisation schedule is in line with the WHO’s vaccination recommendations.  Between two and three million deaths are prevented globally each year by effective immunisation.

The vaccinations shown are available at government clinics and from private sector health facilities.  The service Thula provides as a private practice costs a little more than a government clinic but saves you time and provides a warm, personal service in a homely environment.

There are also additional vaccinations, such as the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, which should be done from 12 to 15 months and again as a booster at five-six years.  Other recommended private vaccines are for Meningococcal meningitis, Hepatitis A, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)and Chickenpox. Keep a record of your child’s vaccinations as schools may ask for proof of immunisation when you register.  We maintain record cards for all of our clients.

Age of Child Vaccine Needed
Birth (Hospital) BCG
6 weeks RV
DTP-IPV/Hib/Hepatitis B
10 weeks DTP-IPV/Hib/Hepatitis B
14 weeks RV
DTP-IPV/Hib/Hepatitis B
6 months Measles Rubella
9 months PCV13
Menactra #1 (private)
12 months MMR and Chickenpox #1( private)
15 months  Hepatitis A 1 and Chickenpox #2 (private)
18 months DTP-IPV/Hib/Hepatitis B booster

Hepatitis A booster( private)
Menactra #2 (private)

2 years Menactra if not yet given (private)
6 years DTP-IPV (private)
MMR booster (private)
12 years DTP-IPV (private)
Gardasil -HPV vaccine (private)
  • BCG – Bacilli Calmete-Guerin (Anti-tuberculosis vaccine)
  • TOPV – Trivalent oral polio vaccine
  • DTP-IPV/Hib – diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine, inactivated polio vaccine, Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine
  • Td – tetanus and diphtheria vaccine
  • RV – rotavirus vaccine
  • PCV7- 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine
  • MMR – Measles, Mumps & Rubella